CDN Pro allows you to export logs that show requests made to a hostname. Before you export logs, you must specify the format of the logs by creating a log configuration for the hostname. Otherwise, no logs will be available for exporting.
To create a log configuration:
Fields | Description |
Description | Enter a description for the log configuration. |
Hostnames | Enter a list of hostnames to which the log configuration applies. Separate multiple hostnames with a space or carriage return. A hostname can be:
Days to Store Logs | Specify the number of days (from 1 to 30) that the logs will be stored. |
Time Span of Log Files | Specify, in minutes, the time interval at which CDN Pro saves log files. |
Log Format | Specify the format of the log entry. You can use the variables in the following section to create a custom format. If a variable value contains non-printable characters (ASCII characters <=0x1F or >=0x7F), double quotes, or backslash, these characters will be escaped to a format such as \xXX. For example, double quotes will become \x22 and a backslash will become \x5C. Note: A space is not escaped. To facilitate parsing, quote variables that may contain spaces. |
The following table shows the variables you can use in the Log Format field to customize the format of logs.
Variable | Description |
%apachet | Time in the Common Log Format, for example, 03/Apr/2023:07:49:03 +0000 |
%cachestate | HIT, MISS, or REVALIDATE |
%cltip | Client IP address |
%cltisp | Client ISP |
%cltport | Client port number |
%cltregion | Client region |
%content_code | Content code. Values can be set in Edge Logic by setting the $content_code variable |
%cpu_ns | CPU time, in nanoseconds, for this request |
%custom_1 | Refers to a custom log field with ID 1 you define using the custom_log_field directive |
%custom_2 | Refers to a custom log field with ID 2 you define using the custom_log_field directive |
%hostname | Host header |
%method | HTTP method used to access the content (for example, GET) |
%protocol | HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, or HTTP2.0 |
%querystr | Query string |
%referer | Referer request header |
%reqrange | Range header in requests from client |
%reqhdrsize | Request header length |
%reqsize | Request length (including request line, header, and request body) |
%rmtuser | User name extracted from the Authorization header when basic authentication is used |
%rspsize | HTTP response size, in bytes, including header and body, but not including TCP/IP/MAC |
%rsptime | Response time in milliseconds |
%samplerate | Number of requests corresponding to each log entry |
%scheme | http or https |
%statuscode | Response's status code (for example, 200) |
%svrip | IP address of the CDN server handling the request |
%svrnode | Cache server node name |
%tcprtt | Round trip time, in microseconds, between server and client |
%ua | User-agent header |
%uniqueid | String uniquely identifying this request |
%url | Full URL with query string, if any |
%utctime | RFC 3339 timestamp of the response (for example, 2021-10-05T12:34:56Z) |
After you create a log configuration, use the following procedure to export logs:
Note: If no configurations match the specified hostname, a message asks whether you want to create a log configuration for the hostname.